WoodGreen’s KPI Tracking System is at the heart of WoodGreen’s operations, playing a crucial role in tracking program activities, managing KPI data and ensuring successful stakeholder relationships for the organization.


Hazel He
Qiyao Li
Jiani Gu
Wesley Fan
Xinyi Wang


I led the project with responsibilities of stakeholders by facilitating regular communications, collecting requirements and allocating team members’ tasks.
I designed the hi-fi prototype, ensuring the final design was seamless, functional and aligned with project goals.


Jan - April 2024

Organization Overview

WoodGreen is a prominent non-profit organization based in Toronto, offering a wide range of services with a sizable team of  employees.

Importance of KPI Tracking

For WoodGreen, KPI tracking is crucial. It serves as a tool to monitor performance data, manage workflows, and assess the effectiveness of their programs.
Effective KPI tracking ensures accountability to stakeholders and aligns with the organization’s funding needs.

Limited Workforce Resources

Despite running numerous programs, WoodGreen faces significant staffing shortages.

Workflow Inefficiencies

WoodGreen's employees need to do many manual tasks within the workflow, which leads to decreased efficiency and productivity.

Stakeholder Reporting Challenges

Reliable reporting to stakeholders is critical for securing funding, but the current manual data handling compromises the accuracy and timeliness of these reports.



WoodGreen has two main groups of users with the needs of  KPI data Management: Program Managers and Administrative Assistants. Their experiences with KPI data management are different regarding the process, touchpoints and feelings.

From Insights to Solutions

Giving different experiences with KPI data management and stakeholder relationship management, Program Manager and Administrative Assistant needs different features regarding the system and differentiated access.

Functional Framework

We started creating the information architecture and the low-fi concept. After showing the mockups to our clients,  we began to conduct usability testing with the lo-fi prototype. Once we were confident in the design, we began to add visual languages into the design.

Hi-Fidelity Design

Manage Project with Integration of Contract and KPIs

Create new projects with integrated contract-KPI editing template to ensure contracts are keeping record on and a consistent management of projects & KPIs


Data Visualization and Automated Data Report Export

Monitor multiple KPIs on a project basis in a visualization dashboard
Generate different types of graphics based on needs
Export data report within one-click


KPI Data Entry and Partipant Management

All projects are displayed with a quick access for easy management
KPIs are systematically formatted and stored to make sure efficient data entry

Design System

All copyright reserved by Hazel He @ 2024